New pay and working hours
You may have to switch to a new kind of fixed salary, or you may experience other changes in your terms and conditions of employment. On this site, we have gathered the most important and most relevant information for you. If you do not find the answer to your specific questions, you can contact your union representative or call Forhandling (Negotiations) at Finansforbundet.

Are you switching to fixed salary?
As from 1. july 2021, you be one of theemployees that has switched over to a fixed salary. The conditions for switching to a fixed salary are that you have a monthly salary of DKK 54,050 (per 1. of july 2023 and DKK 56.050 from 1. of july 2024) or more and that it is possible for you to plan your work independently.
If you have been hired aften 1. april 2020 and meet the terms for being om fixed salary, you are probably already employed under the new fixed salary conditions.
If you have currently agreed that payment for overtime is included in your pay, then the change you will experience is that you will have the right to plan your work independently.
Planning your work independently
When you switch to fixed salary, this means that payment for overtime and inconvenience supplement are included in your pay. On the other hand, you will have the right to plan your own work. This gives you a broad flexibility, so that you can organize your working life so that it best fits with your life situation both in terms of working hours and working station. Studies have shown that this type of self-management and influence over your own work results in a boost in job satisfaction.
Are you in doubt whether you meet the terms to be on fixed salary? Contact your union representative or call Forhandling (Negotiations) at Finansforbundet (Financial Services Union Denmark) at 3296 4600
Are you entitled to salary compensation?
Fixed salary and the new pay system are not meant to result in savings. Therefore, Finansforbundet (Financial Services Union Denmark) has agreed with the employers that no employees should go down in pay when they switch to fixed salary. Therefore, they will be compensated with a supplement for the payment for overtime, which will subsequently be included in their salary. The supplement is calculated on the basis of your overtime for the last two years, so as always, you should remember to register your working hours.
As an IT worker, you should count on a work week of 36 hours.
Even though the seniority system is being removed, you do not lose the pay increase that you expected to receive in the seniority system. This means that if, by 1 July 2021, you are not on the highest level in the old system, then the expected pay increase will be paid as a supplement. This could either take place here and now or as a yearly regulation.
If you are in doubt about whether you have the right to compensation, contact your union representative.