Finansforbundet in Nordea prepared for change of president
When Finansforbundet (The Financial Services Union in Denmark) holds its National Congress at the end of September, Finansforbundet in Nordea’s current president, Dorrit Brandt, will candidate as president. She is running for the post unopposed.
Finansforbundet in Nordea (FiN)'s board is prepared for the new situation. If Dorrit Brandt is elected as president of Finansforbundet, the board in FiN has, after good discussions, agreed that it will subsequently appoint Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen ad interim as its new president. Mette Balck Mejlby will, at her own request, continue as vice president. If applicable, Kasper will be acting as president until FiN’s ordinary annual general meeting 19 April 2024, where he will run for the position of president to be elected by the members.
If Finansforbundet's National Congress chooses Dorrit as its new president, Jeppe Lermark Pieszak will join FiN's board from 2 October. At FiN’s annual general meeting in March this year, Jeppe was elected as 2nd deputy. Pierre Christensen, who was elected as 1st deputy, has since the annual general meeting got a new job in Nordea and has chosen to focus fully on the new job.
Until Finansforbundet's National Congress 26-29 September, FiN’s board and the current presidency of Dorrit and Mette will continue unchanged. We will tell you more about the planned changes after Finansforbundet’s National Congress.

At Finansforbundet's National Congress at the end of September, Dorrit Brandt will be running as Finansforbundet's new president. If Dorrit is elected there, Finansforbundet in Nordea's board is prepared for the new situation and will appoint Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen as its ad interim president and Mette Balck Mejlby as vice president.

Finansforbundet in Nordea's board and deputies after the annual general meeting in March 2023: At the back from the left: Board members Mona Svan, Louise Naur, Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen (will be appointed ad interim as new president if Dorrit is elected as president of Finansforbundet), Mette Balck Mejlby (vice president), Dorrit Brandt (Finansforbundet i Nordea's current president, who is running for the position as Finansforbundet’s president), Ole Lund Jensen, Natascha Bødker Feodor Nielsen and Louise Have Lund. At the bottom Katja Larsen with the two deputies on her sides: Second deputy Jeppe Lermark Pieszak (who is ready to become part of the board from October) to the left og first deputy Pierre Christensen to the right.