Pizza, working conditions and cosiness in front of the big screen
Hundreds of members around the country – participating in 24 local events – watched this year’s Annual General Meeting
When Finansforbundet in Nordea's held its Annual General Meeting (AGM), 257 people gathered in the congress room at Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers. But even more – 375 – participated virtually from all parts of the country. Some followed the AGM from home and others participated in the 24 local events that local event planners had set up – from Aalborg in the north, Sønderborg in the south, Lemvig in the west and to Rønne in the east.
Working conditions, salary and high attendance
At Nordea in Sønderborg, Line Faaborg Larsen gathered 15 participants in the canteen with a big screen and food from outside. The last one agreed to a cancellation on the day, and some were new members who had not joined before.
"I've been organizing it since corona, and the AGM just provides a good opportunity to gather," she says.

This year, the broad debate at the AGM provided something special, also locally.
"This year there was more talk about working conditions and unions than usual. Some of the young members took up salaries because of the debate, and it was quite inspiring and was an opportunity to good talks," she says.
She is very positive about the possibility of holding the AGM jointly and locally.
"I sense a greater sense of belonging to the union. That people have greater knowledge of Finansforbundet in Nordea and what goals and tasks there are ahead of us. The AGM and the greater support locally have contributed to this in recent years," says Line Faaborg Larsen.
Food, cosiness and big screen
In the lunch room in Nordea Rønne there was food, cosiness, a big screen and eight colleagues in the lunch room. So says Susanne Møller Pedersen from Rønne Team.
"It was a shame that the hotel in Copenhagen sold out so quickly. For some of us , it is the best way to participate, and for those of us who live on Bornholm, it is not an option to participate if there is no accommodation," she says.

That said, she has high praise for the arrangement that you can buy food and socialize with colleagues and participate in the AGM locally.
"It's a great opportunity. Also to be social together. After all, it is different what suits the individual best. Some want to participate physically with overnight accommodation every year, others want to stay locally and join the AGM with colleagues in the department," she says.
When working on an island, there are things that are different. For example, not as many people switch from workplace to workplace in order to get more salary as was discussed at the AGM.
"We are very loyal to the workplace and are happy with our work and with our leader. But it is not possible during the breaks during the AGM to hear what gold nuggets they have in other branches when you participate from home," she says.
The participants had a good time, but no questions were asked from the lunch room. Instead they sent in pictures.
"It's super exciting to hear once a year how things are going elsewhere and what Finansforbundet in Nordea is working for," she says.
Pizza, frustrations and community
Actually, there was talk about tapas like last year in Nordea Risskov, which is in the same area as Grenaa and Hinnerup. They share management and also union representative - namely Simon Qvist.
He decided to listen to those who were going to be present, and they were less fond of tapas.
"We have a lot of colleagues under the age of 25 who have been here one or two years, and I could hear they were more into pizza and beer, so that was it," he says.
He holds the event every year, and for him it is an opportunity to introduce Finansforbundet and what it can do. This year they were 14 participants.

He finds that it makes a difference that you can hear from the debates that the frustrations you have locally are actually recognizable across the country. And to hear what Finansforbundet in Nordea's board is working for.
"We also have problems with recruitment, like many other places and play outnumbered. So such an evening is a special opportunity to get everyone together and get a bigger sense of community," says Simon Qvist.
He is happy that there is an opportunity to do something local. It is a good supplement to the physical AGM.
"One of my duties as a union representative is to communicate the good things that happen in Finansforbundet, and I can do that on such an evening," he says.
For some, the party did not end after the AGM, but turned into a warm-up for a night out in Aarhus.
"But at that point I had gone home myself," laughs Simon Qvist.