New president: "We must have more voices in play"
Involvement, transparency and influence. These are the key issues that Finansforbundet in Nordea's new ad interim president Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen will prioritize.
"Instinctively, many people ask for a direction. I am convinced that we as human beings grow if we help create the direction ourselves. That’s why creating better possibilities for involvement, transparency and influence is among my key issues. We simply must have more voices in play!”
Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen will act as ad interim president of Finansforbundet in Nordea until the next Annual General Meeting, where he will candidate to be elected by the members. He replaces Dorrit Brandt, who has just been elected president of Finansforbundet. Kasper also takes over the position as employee-elect on Nordea Bank Abp's board of directors.

Working should bring energy – not stress!
"Nordea and Finansforbundet in Nordea basically have the same view on what constitutes a good company, but we do not always agree on the way to get there. Historically, we have had good cooperation with the bank, which has meant good conditions for the employees and high employee satisfaction for the benefit of customers and shareholders. But now we must fight to simply maintain the status quo.”
The employees' well-being is alpha and omega.
"You shouldn’t get sick from going to work. But, despite that, 26 percent of Finansforbundet’s members in Nordea state that they are so stressed that it can have consequences for their health. These are alarming numbers! Instead, going to work should be fun and challenging. We spend many hours at work, so it must be something that brings - instead of take - energy. The job framework and content are developing rapidly these years, thus it is important that Nordea always prioritizes good opportunities for ongoing development and training - and that the employees accept the offers."
The well-being of young people is near to his heart
Young people's well-being and entry into the labour market are particularly near to Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen's heart, and he has met with young people in many contexts – in other trade unions as well as in networks.
"We have to become much better at integrating young people in the workplace and listen with an open mind to the input they give. It is clear that young people WANT the community - but on different terms than we who are older. I am convinced that it will benefit everyone if we build bridges instead of polarizing. There should be room for more communities within the community; leading to more room for diversity and inclusiveness
First academic
Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen holds an MSc. from University of Copenhagen and has an HD in Organization. Thus, he is the first president of Finansforbundet in Nordea with an academic background.
He has been a member of Finansforbundet in Nordea's board since 2013 and started as a union representative in 2011. Previously, he worked as a credit analyst at Nordea, as a department manager and was a sergeant in the Danish Defence. Kasper is 44 years old and lives in Frederiksberg with his wife Camilla and two teenage children. In his spare time he enjoys playing golf, doing crossfit and hiking, and he is a big fan of sayings and food – both the preparation and consumption of it! Kasper was born and raised in Odense and thus an almost obligatory fan of Odense Boldklub.
Vice president continues
The current vice president, Mette Balck Mejlby, will continue in this role at her own request. Mette also continues as president of the transnational association of Nordea trade unions, Union in Nordea.

Connecting people
You are welcome to follow Kasper on social media:
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Finansforbundet in Nordea's presidents over time
Kirsten Jensen 1991-97
Lene Haulrik 1997-2003
Kent Petersen 2003-04
Majbritt Garbul Tobberup 2004-13
Toni Madsen 2013-19
Dorrit Brandt 2019-23
Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen 2023-ff (ad interim)