Here is your company collective agreement
Employees of the Danske Bank group are covered by a company collective agreement between Finansforbundet i Danske Bank and Danske Bank. Read the agreement and get an uptate on the current OK25 negotiations
The current company collective agreement is valid from 1. April 2023 to 31. March 2025.
Right know, we have come to an agreement on the STOK. The preparations for the VOK-negotiations are ongoing.
Read the FAQ and find answers to the most frequently asked questions on the threshold of the conclusion of a new standard agreement (STOK).
Read when to vote on the STOK and when to submit to the company collective agreement here at Danske Bank.
(We will regularly update this FAQ)
The current status is that on February 25 the Board of Representatives in Finansforbundet recommended sending the STOK result for a ballot at the members.
You will hear much more about this on the email you have indicated as your primary email to information from Finansforbundet.
Yes! February 20 th., Finansforbundet and Finance Denmark/Employer shook hands on a new collective agreement (STOK).
You will probably have to vote on the standard collective agreement in the first half of March. You will be informed of this as we get closer. All dates can be changed.
The first negotiating is currently scheduled for 27 February with negotiations up to 27 March. If you are a union representative, you are invited to an information meeting to be held on 31 March on Danish.
The same information meeting will be held April 1st. on English.
All dates can be changed.
The content of the standard collective agreement (STOK’en) apply to the entire financial sector, whereas the company collective agreement (VOK) only applies to employees of Danske Bank.
You must therefore vote on both collective agreements. However, it is important to stress that the elements of the VOK may change from what was agreed in the STOK’.
The results of both agreements will apply from 1 April 2025.
If a result is reached after that date, the content of the agreements will apply retroactively.
If you are employed under an individual contract, some of the content of the collective agreement, such as insurance, will also apply to you. Other elements may have a knock-on effect for you on an individual contract.
Read more about your employment conditions as an employee on an individual contract.
No, it does not. It is correct that there is an element in the STOK agreement that IT employees will go from 36 hours to 37 working hours pr. week.
In our company collective agreement (VOK), it was changed to 37 hours a few years ago. So it will have no consequences or changes for us at Danske Bank.
Last updated on February 25 th. 2025

The company collective agreement in Danske Bank
Your company collective agreement
Spend two minutes on understanding your company collective agreement.
All employees get a 7,5% increase in salary over two years. The salary increase breaks down as follows:
1 July 2023 | 1 July 2024 | Total |
4,5 % | 3 % | 7,5 % |
As of 1 July 2024, 0.66% has been set aside for individual salary increases.
In addition, 0.04% has been set aside to increase the pension for the group that went to job based salary in 2021 and were at job levels 1-7. They retained their previous employer's pension contributions of 11.9%. They have now been raised to 13.9%, so that all employees on job based salary in future will have the high pension rate.
After six years when everything has gone to collective wage increases, we now have a two-year collective agreement period with 7.5% going to collective wage increases, while 0.66% goes to individual salary increases.
In the negotiations, we had a great desire for improvements for employees on individual contracts. Danske Bank rejected our claim on the grounds that the terms and conditions of employees on individual contracts are not covered by the company collective agreement.
During the negotiations, Finansforbundet i Danske Bank gained an insight into how new contracts are designed and an insight into how the bank clarifies the terms and conditions applicable to employees on individual contracts.
It has been agreed that Finansforbundet i Danske Bank can advise and represent the members in individual cases, and that we can deliver general trends and experiences to HR Legal.
The balance on the time bank changes to be able to go from -21 to +400 hours. Unless there is an individual agreement on a higher balance, hours in excess of 400 in future will be paid out automatically in March each year.
We agree that competence development is important for both the employees and the bank. Therefore, we make a joint effort to ensure that the employees seek competence development, for example through Finanskompetencepuljen.
The collaboration on skills development will take place through Kompetenceudvalget, where both parties are represented.
It has been clarified that the annual standard of 1924 hours is also applicable to employees on job based salary.
The pay limit is not regulated in 2023, but it will be in 2024 just like in the standard collective agreement. For those colleagues who, in this connection, move to job based salary, we have agreed on a transitional regime similar to that applicable to those who were converted to job based salary in 2021.
For those who cross the limit to job based salary because of a salary increase, no mathematical transitional regime is applied.
It is assumed that the manager and the employee have a dialogue about the salary. The value of historical additional work may be included in this.
The maternity/paternity leave period for fathers and co-mothers is extended by 10 weeks to a total of 26 weeks with full pay and pension. The special conditions in the bank for rainbow families continue to apply.
This will now be paid twice a year, in May and September, effective from 1 May 2024.
In future, terminition benefits will not be payed out in the event of redundancies for which disciplinary matters are the reason for the redundancy.
As a new feature, any terminition benefits under the collective agreement will also be paid, even if the employee, at the time of termination, is retired/has reached retirement age.
We have simplified the working time regulations and made it possible for the manager and employee to enter into an agreement on the placement of working hours between 6 a.m. and 20 p.m. on weekdays.
It has been agreed to change the time limit from 7 to 8 years for part-time senior employees.
The local agreement regarding transport (K08) was terminated as of 1. May 2023. This means that we will be subject to individual assessment.
We have also reached agreements on the local agreements we would like to extend.
Details will be clarified as soon as possible.
The parties have agreed to change the annual working hours norm to 1924 hours for the IT-staff who in 2012 chose to continue with a working hours norm of 1872 hours.
Employees are compensated with a pensionable allowance of 4.17% (IT compensation allowance).
Working groups will be created for the following tasks during the period of the company collective agreement:
- Review of the agreement with a view to modernization and simplification
- Update of the payroll system
- Modernization of the rules on on-call duty
Dive into the agreement
The standard collective agreement
Our company collective agreement is based on the standard collective agreement between Finansforbundet and Finanssektorens Arbejdsgiverforening (FA), and it applies to the entire finance sector. The standard agreement provides the general framework for the company collective agreement.
Learn more about collective agreements
Read more about the collective agreement system.
Fact sheet: What is a collective agreement? (pdf)
Fact sheet: The composition of your working conditions (pdf)
Do you have questions about the collective agreement?
45 14 01 11Our legal counsellors are always happy to help answer your questions about the collective agreement or you working conditions in general.