The development in ESG advisory is progressing rapidly
A sustainable green transition is important for all companies. But how do you advise businesses on ESG? The development is progressing rapidly, and Søren Lind took action by completing several modules at Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter.
When Soren Lind from his office located at Albani Torv in Odense advises businesses, the question is absolutely unavoidable: How do we ensure the best investment in ESG and how do we achieve our ESG goals? (Environment, social and governance).
The development in sustainability is fast moving, so Søren attented a course at Finansektorens Uddannelsescenter in Skanderborg.
The course provided Soren Lind with a basic knowledge of ESG, which is essential in terms of advice to businesses and consisted of two days of physical presence in Skanderborg as well as three modules of a half day duration each that were online.
“There are so many demands for co-regulatory and various regulations that affect businesses. As advisers, we need to keep up with the training of our customers, otherwise we will be left behind without the opportunity to advise our customers satisfactorily”, says Soren Lind.

He had heard about the course from some of his colleagues who had recommended it to him.
”I certainly agree with the recommendation. The combination of getting out of the office and being taught by external speakers is good, because it gives something to get input from others than those you normally work with”.
But the biggest eye opener was the meeting with the other participants, who were employees from many different banks – both large and small.
“You get an insight into how other banks approach ESG advice and how challenging it is if you are in a small bank where you are not so many about the task. They blocked their eyes at all because they heard how many we are to advise on ESG just in our department in Odense”, he says.
Søren finds that there is generally support for skills development, and he is ready to pursue further education or training.
"I could certainly be interested in that. It's probably primarily my professional area where I would be interested in improving my skills. Alternatively, it could be something related to personal development. The most important thing is that it involves external instructors so that you get outside input into your work life," he says.