OK25: Overview and details
What are the new elements of the agreement? Dive deeper into the contents of the new collective agreement. Here you will get both a quick overview of the new elements and be able to read the details.
collective agreement
The collective agreement is applicable from 1 April 2025 when the day begins to 31 March 2028 when the day ends.

Pay increases over the next three years
Over the next three years, pay will increase by 7.4% in companies that do not use salary pools. It is distributed by 2.4 per cent in the first year and 2.5 per cent in the following two years. In companies that have determined to have salary pools, the salary level increases to 8.6 per cent. This is done by companies adding an extra 0.4 per cent each year, while 0.6 per cent of the level is used as pooled funds. In this connection, the guaranteed general pay increases are 5.6 per cent, while the rest is distributed via pools. For details, please read below.

The general pay increases depend on whether or not local salary pools are agreed and amount to a total of 5.60% during the life of the collective agreement. The pools are allocated by 1.80% in 2025, 1.90% in 2026 and 1.90% in 2027.
If local salary pools are not applied, the general pay increases amount to a total of 7.40% in the life of the collective agreement and are distributed by 2.40% in 2025, 2.50% in 2026 and 2.50% in 2027.
Local salary pools
Each year, 0.60% of the general pay increases can be implemented as local salary pools, BUT only if the company contributes to the local salary pool by 0.40% each year.
This means that the local salary pools total 1.00% per year and 3.00% in the duration of the collective agreement.
Total pay increases
Total pay increases consist of general salary increases and local salary pools.
They thus amount to a total of 8.60% in the life of the collective agreement and are distributed as follows:
- 2.80% in 2025 (of which 1.00% is for local salary pools)
- 2.90% in 2026 (of which 1.00% is for local salary pools)
- 2.90% in 2027 (of which 1.00% is for local salary pools)
The parties have wanted to support local pay formation by agreeing on a new basis for it and at the same time ensure that part of the company's pay drift contributes to the local salary pool.
The plan is still to conclude local agreements between the company and the head of local union on the criteria for local pay formation. If local agreements cannot be reached, a number of centrally agreed criteria may be applied by the company instead. The parties concur that the pay criteria agreed in the standard collective agreement are gender neutral, and it is pivotal for the parties that pay, including local salary pools, is implemented in a gender-neutral manner.
The local salary pool can only be used for pay increases.
General pay increases represent a total of 5.60% in the life of the collective agreement and are distributed by 1.80% in 2025, 1.90% in 2026 and 1.90% in 2027.
If no agreement is reached on the use of the local pool, the general pay increases will total 7.40% in the life of the collective agreement and will be distributed by 2.40% in 2025, 2.50% in 2026 and 2.50% in 2027.
Local pools
Up to 1.00% is set aside each year for local pools, provided that there is consensus on the use of the pool. This means that the local pools of companies with enterprise-level collective agreements (so-called VOKs) account for up to 3.00% in the life of the collective agreement and are distributed as follows:
- 1.00% on 1 July 2025
- 1.00% on 1 July 2026
- 1.00% on 1 July 2027
The parties may agree to use the pooled funds for purposes other than salary.
If no agreement is reached on the use of all or part of the local pool, only up to 0.60% of the local pool will crystallise as general pay increases.
Total pay increases
Total pay increases consist of general salary increases and local pools. The total pay increases thus constitute up to 8.60% in the life of the collective agreement and are distributed as follows:
- 2.80% on 1 July 2025
- 2.90% on 1 July 2026
- 2.90% on 1 July 2027
The fixed rates applicable under the standard collective agreement are adjusted at the same time and at the same level as the total pay increases, i.e:
- 2.40% on 1 July 2025
- 2.50% on 1 July 2026
- 2.50% on 1 July 2027
Amounts are mainly rounded up/down to the nearest DKK 5.
The fixed rates applicable under the enterprise-level collective agreements are, in principle, adjusted by the same percentages and terms as the sum of the general pay increase and the local pool – that is:
- 2.40% in 2025
- 2.50% in 2026
- 2.50% in 2027
Amounts are mainly rounded to the nearest DKK 5.
Payment and administration of pension savings before retirement
In future, the pension agreement protocol will include a description of the possibilities for the individual employees to transfer their pension scheme to another pension provider in connection with a job change.
Furthermore, the possibilities for receipt of one's pension savings before retiring are expanded and clarified.
Clarification of pension scheme collectivity
It is clarified how to handle collectivity under a pension scheme when changing provider. If an employee is not transferred to a new provider due to an investigation with the existing pension provider, any increase in premiums may not be charged to the individual employee.
Better senior part-time employment arrangements
Senior part-time employees may now plan their time off more flexibly than before and take time off as days or weeks.

Senior part-time employees may now choose either to have their weekly working hours reduced or to convert the working hour reduction into days off. The time off is taken as days or weeks subject to agreement between the employee and the management, taking both parties into consideration.
In practice, this means that the employee may plan time off more flexibly than before, and it will often be a significant financial advantage for the employee to choose days off rather than fewer hours.
In other words, you may select part-time in a more flexible manner than reduce your hours by 20%.
You may buy time off work at a price of:
- 0.38% of your annual salary for one day off
- 1.92% for one week off
As a result, you may actually buy about 10 weeks of additional days off instead of taking a 20% cut in working hours/pay.
If you are satisfied with less than ten weeks of extra days off, it will, in addition to the flexibility, also be a financial advantage to plan senior part-time by buying days off.
Moreover, it has been agreed to discontinue the seven year-time limit for how long an employee will receive pension contributions based on the employee's number of working hours at the beginning of the senior part-time period.
Finally, it has been agreed that the age limits for senior part-time employees will be raised as from 2030.
Time off with pay for fertility treatment
The new agreement ensures as a breakthrough element in the private sector that employees may take time off with pay when undergoing fertility treatment – regardless of whether the treatment is a result of their own or their partner's fertility.

Employees who are referred for fertility treatment by a doctor are now entitled to time off with pay for such treatment. This applies irrespective of whether the employee is to be examined or treated for infertility due to "illness conditions", in which case the employee is entitled to time off under the Salaried Employees Act.
It doesn't matter whether it's their fertility or their partner's that is the reason for the treatment.
In addition, employees are entitled to time off without pay via the free-choice bank if they want to be present when their partner is undergoing treatment.
More flexible free-choice bank
The free-choice bank replaces the time bank, improving the ability to schedule time off at relatively short notice.

The time bank is replaced by a free-choice bank, which provides more flexible options for utilising care days, days of holiday and time off earned in other ways secured by a collective agreement.
The hours in the free-choice bank may, for example, be used for time off for accompanying a partner to fertility treatment or children's illness beyond five days.
The current maximum balance of 400 hours is maintained and the possibility of running up a deficit (borrowing time off) is extended from 21 to 37 hours; similarly, it becomes possible to reset by way of payment.
Opportunity to schedule time off at relatively short notice is improved
You may now take up to three consecutive days off no later than one month, and five consecutive days off no later than two months, after having requested to do so.
If the employee's request for time off is linked to, for example, the right under a collective agreement to take two days off on days of special importance to the employee, time off for a partner's fertility treatment, time off due to force majeure, etc., shorter notices apply, which are also stated in the collective agreement.
In future, companies may pay out hours exceeding 320 once a year on 1 May, unless another agreement is made between the company and the employee. In addition, employees may, subject to agreement, claim the hours owed once a year.
It has been agreed that in future IT employees will be employed for 37 hours, resulting in an annual norm of 1,924 hours.
For employees hired before 1 April 2025, a local agreement may be concluded between the company and the head of local union to increase the annual norm from 1,872 hours to 1,924 hours. If such an agreement is concluded, the transition from 36 to 37 hours a week will be compensated for by payment of one hour.
On-call duty rules are simplified and improved. This means, for example, that consultations are eliminated. In future, employees will only have either call-ins or enquiries during on-call duty. As a consequence, going forward, all requests which cannot be answered immediately by the employee will always constitute call-ins.
The number of on-call duty shifts will increase from 40 to 60, the number of hours/year from 480 to 720, and notification of on-call duty will improve from 24 to 72 hours.
More flexibility for special life situations
Among other things, the collective agreement provides better opportunities for planning holidays provided for by a collective agreement in connection with red-letter days and days that mean something special. In addition, a number of new provisions have been agreed for those employed as student assistants, those who work after having retired and those employed in flex jobs.

Everyone may at some point face life’s challenges during their working life. Such challenges may involve grief, personal crises, health issues or challenges in/with the immediate family.
The parties to the collective agreement recommend having local discussions on how to ensure flexibility and clarity in terms of how a company will handle such challenges within the framework of the collective agreement.
In addition, it has been agreed that, for the duration of the collective agreement, Finansforbundet and Finance Denmark/Employer will acquire knowledge and exchange experience on how to manage life’s challenges in the workplace.
Herudover er det aftalt, at Finansforbundet og Finans Danmark/Arbejdsgiver i overenskomstperioden opbygger viden og udveksler erfaringer om håndtering af livsudfordringer på en arbejdsplads.
In future, in consideration of the company's operations, employees are, under the collective agreement, entitled to take two days off on days of special importance. This could, for example, be special religious or cultural festivals.
It has been agreed that graduates from upper secondary schools will be employed on the same terms as students.
In future, you can hire graduates who have completed upper secondary education within the past two years at the time of employment, but who have not yet enrolled in a higher education programme. Such graduates may, however, under the special terms applicable to students be employed for a maximum of two years.
In addition, it has been agreed that students and graduates will have the sixth week of holiday paid as a supplement to their salary similar to care days and the employer's pension contribution.
It has all along been possible for companies to call in employees who receive a state pension to perform short-term tasks as replacements for staff who are absent due to illness or holiday (section 34, on-call staff).
That remains an option, but now, more permanent employment has become possible for employees on state pension, because the rules on offset have been relaxed. The more permanent affiliation triggers better pay than the payment for on-call staff.
To support those with flex jobs who may be challenged financially, it has been agreed that employees holding flex jobs may choose not to pay personal pension contributions.
Better skills enhancement opportunities
Funding for Finanskompetencepuljen (Finance Competence Fund) is significantly increased.

Companies' contributions to Finanskompetencepuljen are increased by DKK 300 to a total of DKK 1,055 annually per employee.
This means that Finanskompetencepuljen will receive an additional DKK 11 million, which secures more funds going forward to ensure skills enhancement for employees in the sector.
In addition, the distribution between funds for corporate and individual courses will be made more clear, just as the funds will be divided equally between the two. Finally, the guidelines for the board of directors and administration have been clarified.
Improved insurance
A joint dental insurance will be established, which companies may join as an alternative to taking out their own insurance. Moreover, group life insurance will be improved.

Going forward, it will be made more clear to employees by how much each dental treatment is covered. Therefore, the lists of services must be known and accessible to employees.
It has also been agreed that the parties to the collective agreement will establish a joint dental insurance that companies can join as an alternative to taking out their own insurance.
It has been agreed to increase the death benefit from DKK 200,000 to
DKK 1,000,000 for employees under the age of 55
DKK 500,000 for employees between the age of 55 and under 63
DKK 250,000 for employees who have reached the age of 63.
At the same time, cover for critical illness in children is increased from DKK 50,000 to DKK 100,000, and the age for children covered by the insurance is increased from 18 to 24 years.
New working groups in the sector
A committee will be established to discuss the IT area and the needs that the respective parties believe should be part of the collective agreement to be competitive and attractive in connection with employee recruitment.

A committee will be established to discuss the IT area and the needs that the respective parties believe should be part of the collective agreement to be attractive and relevant to both employees and companies.
The committee will therefore work towards ensuring that the collective agreement is and will continue to be perceived as attractive to companies and employees.
The work of the committee may be included in the discussions of the next collective agreement renewal.
A committee will be established on which the parties participating will analyse and uncover the use of selected rules on working hours in the companies.
Particular focus will be on allowances for working at special hours of the day, rules for additional work and system-dependent additional work. Against this background, the parties will discuss whether it is of common interest to achieve better coherence between the rules on working hours, thereby modernising them.
representatives and trade union-related work
Union representatives may now meet with new employees during work hours to inform them about a union representative’s tasks, for example, in connection with introductory activities for new employees. Moreover, the works council should develop data ethics guidelines.

Union representatives may now meet with new employees during work hours to inform them about a union representative’s tasks.
A meeting could, for example, be arranged during the employees’ introduction to the workplace. Participation in such meeting is voluntary for new employees.
Conditions for local branch presidents and vice presidents
After the election of a new local branch president and vice president, a meeting must in future, at the request of one of the parties, be arranged with the participation of the member of the executive committee, the company, Finance Denmark/Employer and Finansforbundet.
The meeting may be held online if the parties deem it appropriate.
It has been agreed to merge the previous agreements on works councils for banks, mortgage credit institutions and savings banks. At the same time, the works council is being tasked with discussing diversity and equality.
Moreover, it has been agreed that the works council should prepare guidelines for the use of employee data to emphasise the importance of discussing the topic on the works council. Companies may find inspiration for data ethics guidelines in the new data ethics appendix.
It applies particularly to organisations under the previous works council agreement for savings banks, where branch councils have been established, that these will be maintained until otherwise agreed. The same applies to works/branch councils of savings banks/branches with fewer than 35 employees.
Don’t forget all the benefits you still have under the new collective agreement
Don’t forget that the new collective agreement continues the great conditions already applicable, for example, five care days, five days off when your child is ill, dental insurance, long maternity/paternity leave for everyone, the day off after Ascension Day, the possibility of part-time work for parents with children and much more.