Election of union representatives
There are no formal rules on how to conduct a union representative election, but we have general guidelines and offer advice on the process.
As a rule, there is an election of union representatives every other year – at the end of 2021, 2023, 2025 etc. The term of office is two years starting on 1 January and ending on 31 December. If there is a union representative who stops in the middle of the term of office, you can elect a new one even though it is in the middle of a term of office.
Remember to check whether anything different has been agreed locally in your company.
You can download ballot forms if you choose to hold a physical election.
How to report the election
If you are a re-elected or newly elected union representative or health and safety representative, you must report this via minehverv.finansforbundet.dk.
If you are a re-elected or newly elected senior union representative or area union representative, you must report this by sending an email to medlem@finansforbundet.dk
The email must contain: Your full name, your date of birth, member number, phone number, email address, start date and end date of the term of office and which company you are employed in, including department and department address.
There are no formal rules for how you must conduct an election of union representatives. But we suggest that you start from the following:
Before the election
- The local union representative at the workplace is responsible for holding the election of union representatives. If you do not already have a union representative, you can call Finansforbundet on 32 96 46 00 and ask for the union representative hotline.
- Decide who is responsible for the practical implementation of the election.
- Announce a deadline for when candidates must apply. Allow a period of about 14 days. Also remember that members on leave, in educational programmes and on holiday must be informed and have the right to vote.
During the election
- If there is only one candidate, there is no need to hold a vote. However, a vote may make sense to find out if the colleagues back the candidate. There are different practices in this area. Talk to your local union or Finansforbundet about what to do in this situation.
- If there are several candidates, there must be a vote.
- Announce the names of the candidates.
- Distribute ballot papers to the colleagues. Only members of Finansforbundet can vote.
- Specify where to hand in the ballot form and the deadline for handing it in. For example, the ballot form can be placed in a box or submitted in a sealed envelope. This way you can ensure that the vote is anonymous.
After the election
- The results of the election are announced to members and management.
- If you are elected, you must report your election to Finansforbundet. This applies to both newly elected and re-elected representatives.
- Finansforbundet will notify your management of the election. We are obliged to do so in the collective agreement with Finanssektorens Arbejdsgiverforening (Agreement on Union Work, Section 8). It is a good idea to also inform the company yourself if you are elected.
- As a general rule, your protection as a union representative takes effect once you have informed the company of the election. However, the management of the company formally has a period of four weeks after receiving the written notice from Finansforbundet to object to the election.
- Once your employer has approved you as a union representative, the information you have reported to us serves as your “employment letter” as a union representative.
- Please note that some companies have a local agreement on a different union representative structure and election procedure. If in doubt, ask your local union or call our union representative hotline at 32 96 46 00.
- The election is only valid when Finansforbundet has approved it and notified the company of it in writing.
You have the right to elect a union representative in companies where there are at least three members of Finansforbundet.
If the company consists of several departments or branches, you can elect a union representative when there are at least 10 members in the department or branch. If there are fewer members, multiple departments can elect a common union representative once they have at least 10 members in total.
In headquarters and administrative departments, you can elect a union representative for each organisational and managerial unit with at least 10 members. If there are fewer members, multiple units can elect a common union representative.
Become a union representative
Now you can become a union representative and make a difference for yourself, your colleagues and your workplace. Learn more about the role as a union representative.
Read more hereDo you want to know more?
+45 32 66 13 57You are welcome to contact Finansforbundet’s consultants if you have any questions or want to know more about how to become a union representative.